Author Archives: Ben


Paria is a math metal band from Omaha, they were always one of my favorites to shoot. Today they got back together for one last show at Civic Minded’s CD release. I’ve seen them maybe a dozen times, but I gotta say last night was the best I’d ever seen them. Here’s some photos:













Encore Web Spots



Today I worked on a shoot with my friends over at Twenty Ten Productions as a camera operator for some Web spots for the Minow Project and their client Encore/World Lawn. Two lawn mowing retailers that recently joined forces.

Lawn mowers aren’t really the most exciting thing to shoot video of, especially when you’ve got to do a lot detail work, but this time there were dogs there and that made it awesome and fun because dogs are awesome and fun. Here’s some shots from iPhone.

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photo 3(1)

Nick turned into a hot-dog. I gave him my hoody to cover up his skin so it would stop bubbling. I should probably wash that…
photo 4(1)

This guy wanted to help us pack. We shoulda’ packed him. :3

My newest hobby.

Lately I’ve been finding a lot of enjoyment in field recording, which for lack of a better definition is going out into the world and recording sounds. Since working in the commercial video world I’ve got all the equipment already and I wanted to get some nice nature sounds for some personal music projects. Since heading out into the world I’ve found a lot of enjoyment hunting down and capturing some sounds. After a glance on youtube I noticed that people create these massive 10 hour loops of their field recordings, often to receive a lot of views from the youtube community. I figured it’d be a neat way to share some of my field recordings with the world. So here’s a 10 hour loop of one of the recent rain storms we’ve had here in Omaha. Maybe it’ll help you relax or get some sleep or something.