Author Archives: Ben

On the Long (and painful) Road to a New Website.

Back when I started my photography career I was a pretty big nerd, still am really. However back then I knew a thing or two about web sites and how to put them together, mind you not enough to make a really good one, just enough to make something I didn’t completely hate by following some simple tutorials off google and youtube.

Since moving into the film making world, my old site is no longer enough, as it wasn’t set up to accept video. On top of that it lacked a lot of features I wanted, like a functioning blog for example. So I begin the long and painful process of setting up a new website. Things have changed quite a bit in the last few years and I’ve forgotten pretty much everything I knew about websites, so this should be an interesting learning experience.

Luckily I have an ace up my sleeve in the form of my friend Kaitlyn Filipinni, she’s pretty much an all around bad-ass. I’m pretty stoked at getting this off the ground and having one spot to host all of my photo and film work, and a place for me to blog about my projects and daily life. NEAT!

I’m stoked for the future, hopefully some rad stuff comes out of this.




PS: Fun fact, This is actually the first post of the website. Everything before this is post-dated to populate the website and give you something to read. Neat!