Shot some photos for local indie band Saturn Moth today.
Author Archives: Ben
Ok Party Turns two
Nebraska Portrait Photography|| Nicholas
Judah Friedlander @ The Waiting Room
Nebraska Concert Photography || Kaitlyn Hova @ The Durham
Jordy – The Taco King of Lincoln
Ok Party Comedy Battle Royale VII
Every few months the boys in Ok Party comedy get together 16 people, both comics and wannabes to compete in a tournament of comedy where one person is chosen the winner. This contest is single handedly responsible for the careers of several Omaha comedians. Here’s some photos from the 7th Tournament:
Trini’s – One of my new favorite restaurants
I always wanted to check out Trini’s in the Old Market, it’s an incredible location and it’s mexican, my favorite type of food. Since moving to the old market my room mate and decided we should check out all the restaurants down here. I always figured because of the cool atmosphere that it would be really pricey, but to my surprise it was actually pretty decently priced. If you haven’t checked it out, I definitely recommend it. Great date night spot.