Recently Lauren Simpson and Annie Schenzel performed as part of KANEKO’s DUO performance series. Shooting dance is always a challenge, but when you turn the lights down low and add in a projector as the main light source it starts to get really tricky, but challenges are part of what keeps this job interesting. Here’s a few favorites from the event.
The Bemis Center hosted it’s regular “Meet and Eat” event where you get a chance to share a meal with the current group of Bemis Resident’s and hear a little bit about what they’ll be making while at the Bemis Center. If you’re not familiar, the Bemis Center hosts “Residents” for a few weeks in converted studios/apartments and provides the residents access to all kinds of materials and tools as well as covers their living expenses for a few weeks so they can focus 100% on their art. It’s a really neat program, and very worth checking out their Open Studios event that occurs at the end of their residency run, giving you a chance to see the artworks created and chat with the artists in a casual environment.