Volkswagon Behind The Scenes | Omaha Video Production

Had the chance to work on some internal communication videos for Volkswagon this week with the lovely folks at Digital Moxie. Here’s a few behind the scenes photos I shot (except for the one that’s out of focus, but I never get to be in the BTS so I had to include it anyway.)

DUO @ KANEKO | Omaha Event Photography

Recently Lauren Simpson and Annie Schenzel performed as part of KANEKO’s DUO performance series. Shooting dance is always a challenge, but when you turn the lights down low and add in a projector as the main light source it starts to get really tricky, but challenges are part of what keeps this job interesting. Here’s a few favorites from the event.

TBD Dance Collective Headshots | Omaha Headshot Photography

The lovely folks asked me to shoot some quick headshots for their dance collective recently. They wanted the simple all white look, but I also convinced them to give the dark look a shot. All in we got everyone done in about 2 hours, here’s a few of my favorites.