My First Short Film – “Funeral Favors”

Sometime in late 2014 I was working sound at a funeral and had an idea for a short film – what if someone took up the offer of a “helping hand” and took it way too far? After writing a rough draft I found a cast and together we polished it up, shooting it in early 2015. The rest of that year was rough on me for some reason I can’t really put into words and I left the project shelved, aside from pulling it out to edit it for a few minutes once every few months.

Finally in 2016 things started clearing up and my headspace became a lot more clear and I was able to finish the film. At the time the Omaha Film Festival was accepting entries for it’s 2017 festival so I submitted it, thinking it probably wouldn’t get in. To my surprise they ended up accepting it for the festival, which meant it wouldn’t be publicly available until after the festival, which just wrapped up two weeks ago.

And now, nearly 2 years after we shot the film, you can watch it for the first time. Enjoy: